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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_WPD_038
Title OHL (Overhead Line) Power Pointer
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Western Power Distribution
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 December 2018
End Date 31 May 2022
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £1,302,413
Industrial Sectors Power
Region South West
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Western Power Distribution (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Western Power Distribution (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_WPD_038
Objectives As the utilisation and requirements of the distribution network increase so too does the need for localised network monitoring. Historically, it has been difficult to capture data for the overhead network due to the construction of the system and the availability of equipment throughout the network to gather data.This project will trial a device that is capable of self-powering operation to provide real-time voltage, current and power flow information. This information will be used to more accurately assess network operation, such as latent generation output and directional fault detection to more quickly identify the location of faults.Five business needs have been identified, all referenced within WPDs Distribution System Operability Framework, which will be addressed by the following trials: 1. Method 1: Directional Power Flow Monitoring;2. Method 2: Directional Power Flow State Estimation (using directional monitors to infer power flow direction through non-directional sensors);3. Method 3: Detection of Auto-Recloser Operations (to assist with maintenance efficiency and short interruption quantification);4. Method 4: Directional fault detection (especially in 33kV networks with high levels of DG); and5. Method 5: Conductor Temperature Monitoring (feeding into the post-fault rating of overhead lines). The project will be delivered in over the course of three years, in three phases, as summarised below.Phase 1: Design and Build (December 2018 – March 2020)In this phase, the functionality of the OHL Power Pointer solution will be defined for each of the five Methods (directional power flow monitoring, directional power flow estimation, auto-recloser operation detection, directional fault passage indication (FPI) and post-fault rating of overhead lines). The software will be designed and implemented. Network locations will be identified and equipment installation locations selected. In addition, the trials of the various methods will be designed.Phase 2: Install and Trial (August 2019 – February 2021)In this phase, the Smart Navigator 2.0 equipment (for directional power flow monitoring, auto-recloser detection, directional fault passage indication and post-fault rating determination) will be installed and trialled. Initially, 50 sets of devices will be installed to cover the trials of the various Methods. These devices will communicate to Nortechs iHost system for rapid prototyping of the software and support with the solution design. As part of the main trials, an additional 50 sets of devices will be installed, communicating to WPDs iHost system and the 50 sets installed as part of the initial trials will be transitioned across to WPDs iHost system.Phase 3: Analysis and Reporting (December 2018 – November 2021)In this phase, the results from the trials will be analysed and a report on the learning resulting from each of the Methods will be produced. Results and key learning outputs will be disseminated and policies will be written to facilitate the wider adoption of the OHL Power Pointer solution WPDs business should WPD proceed with Business as Usual (BaU) roll-out. 1. Create policies for equipment installation and location;2. Carry out assessments of the accuracy and consistency of determining power flow directions within WPDs distribution network;3. Provide recommendations on the number and location of devices needed for full visibility of power flow direction;4. Quantify the savings gained by using the Smart Navigator to detect and communicate auto-recloser operations (rather than using visual inspections of AR equipment); 5. Quantify the savings made to Customers Minutes Lost (CMLs) through the use of OHL directional FPIs;6. Provide the control room with visibility of overhead line real-time post-fault ratings;
Abstract As the utilisation and requirements of the distribution network increase so too does the need for localised network monitoring. The overhead network has historically been difficult to capture data, due to the construction of the system and the availability of equipment throughout the network to gather data. This project will trial a device that is capable of self-powering operation to provide real-time voltage, current and power flow information. This information will be used to more accurately assess network operation, such as hidden generation output and directional fault detection to more quickly identify the location of faults.
Publications (none)
Final Report (none)
Added to Database 02/11/22